Welcome To My Safe Home, To My Sheltered Haven

Neale Park – Nelson Gateway, New Zealand

NAU MAI KI TOKU AHURU MOWAI - Welcome To My Safe Home, New Zealand, Juanjo Novella
NAU MAI KI TOKU AHURU MOWAI – Welcome To My Safe Home, New Zealand, Juanjo Novella

Sunlight penetrating through “Welcome to my safe home, to my sheltered haven” creates a constantly changing light and shadow show. The sculpture, located in the South Island of New Zealand, won this international award. It integrates history and landscape.

Steel- 6 X 9 X 3 meters
Artwork awarded in international competition. – 1ST

This is a winning sculpture that serves as a milestone in the gateway to Nelson. In a wonderful landscape, the orientation of the sculpture is designed for maximum use of light and obtain shadows. The local people and also the Maori community have been involved throughout the process.
This is a very thoughtful work with a very slow development that takes into account historical and symbolic factors and urban landscape.

  • NAU MAI KI TOKU AHURU MOWAI - Welcome To My Safe Home, To My Sheltered Haven (2012)
    NAU MAI KI TOKU AHURU MOWAI - Welcome To My Safe Home, To My Sheltered Haven (2012)