HUG (2018)
Division of the Arts, LSU Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University, USA Louisiana USA

The Hug found its accommodation at the LSU- Louisiana State University – Campus in Baton Rouge. Hug was inspired by two water oak leaves collected from the area, one from each tree and now shown in an embrace. This sculpture represents respect and recognition, a symbol of commitment to the place.
This project was 1st prize in an international competition: AMERICANS FOR THE ARTS FOUNDATION has selected HUG Novella ́s public art project as one of the best in USA in 2018
Two holm oak leaves collected at the site of the campus where the installation was to take place. With them an emotional bond is established in the creation of a hug. This sculpture serves as an icon in the UNION building. Main meeting center of the University, It also establishes a close relationship.
Because oak trees are the soul of the campus and in this case the art project site is placed between two trees. To give more strength to the symbol, the embraces occurs between two leaves belonging to each tree and hand picked by the artist. The realization of a meeting point in its substantiation in a hug is the perfect act itself. A kind of dance is given between the two tree leaves and in that act we get a salon where we can be. A reference point, a powerful milestone linked with the place in a very intimate way. The two leaves are still not touching each other, they are in a pre hug moment. This gives even more power to the element, emphasizing the movement, the wrapping action.
Louisiana Office of Cultural Development – Division of the Arts
Louisiana Division of Administration – Office of Facility Planning and Control
Danny Belanger: